Falling, totally, in love…

Falling in love is a wonderful thing. I never thought it would happen once. Let alone twice. And certainly not to the extent that I feel right now.

I’m with the perfect person, for me.
I’m an anxious mess, us she doesn’t care. She supports me. Just like I support her.

The fact is, my best friend is my girlfriend. And in no way is that a bad thing.

I’m am so happy to have someone in my life that I am totally in love with.

And I am so grateful for her. She makes me smile, without doing a single thing. And I feel safe around her. I’ve never wanted to be part of someone’s life more than I do with her. And I want her to be part of mine. I’m so lucky she feels the same way. So very lucky ❤

Your gaze won’t let me go…

Pretty as a flower,
Rustling in the breeze
My focus drawn toward you,
Your gaze won’t let me go,
The air is thick, the die is cast,
As the mist swarms all around,
The heavens open, sky so dark,
As rain hits ground beneath us,
Still, you’re here, gaze unbreaking
And my hand you take in yours,
As we walk across the fields,
And stroll on by the sea,
It does feel strange,
At first of course
But then we learn the ropes
Your hand is soft and gentle,
And your eyes?
They match my own,
So of we go, far and wide,
To search across the land,
For home, for shelter,
A private place to call our own.
Until then all i know:
Is my focus drawn toward you,
And your gaze won’t let me go.

Session 3: the aftermath of compliments…

I don’t like compliments. Well, its more accurate to say I’m not at all comfortable with them. In fact, my brain is very good at finding ways of dismissing them.

It’s something id like to get better with. Because i know i have many good features. And if i became comfortable with admitting to what they are? I imagine my confidence would go up.


Today’s therapy session went well.

It went well in that i feel much better after it, as per usual.

We spoke about how I’ve felt this past week. I spoke about work and a couple of annoying situations. And then moved on to how things are with my friend.

We discussed my feelings on both of those areas. It felt refreshing to get it all of my chest and hear someone give their opinion – especially when they felt I was handling things well (it didn’t feel like i was so that was nice to hear).

Also, they shared with me that they thought it was clear that I’m a really lovely, caring, kindhearted person. And that i should be proud of myself for being such. Compliments, ugh.

We then spoke more about some other things – mainly about the things i was told (or heard) a lot growing up.

They explained to me the ‘Parent, Adult, Child’ relationship idea. Which was both interesting and eye-opening.

Like i said, it went well, and i feel better about myself and how I’ve handled things recently. I know i could have done better but I’m not perfect and i need to move past what’s been done and just make sure I’m doing the best i can. – Which is more positive than what i would have said 3 weeks ago!

So, what I’m trying to take away from today’s session is that I’m doing better than i think. That all the negative, nasty voices that put me down and keep me there, are all a load of shit.

They’re not true. They’re reactions based on events in my life. They’re subconscious and they will take time to beat, but they are beatable.

Which has made me feel better about myself. Overall.

Also, i feel as though things are going a little better with my friend. We both understand each other’s positions a lot better and it just feels a little better.

I know my calming anxiety helps and i do of course worry about how I’m going to fare at work. But i need to just remember that ive handled the overall situation much better than I’ve been giving myself credit for.

As my therapist told me, there are a lot of things i could have done (that people less kind would have). The fact that ive not done any of them is proof I’m a decent person. My therapist’s words.

I’m glad that i am a nice person. It’s all ive ever wanted to be. And something that i just cant not be.

Unfortunately, there is a downside. Jn that my therapist also pointed out that they feel ive spent most of my life healing out other people and doing things that they want to make them happy.

They also pointed out that ive probably spent my life trying to be what people wanted me to be. And in doing both things, ive lost myself.

Which, honestly, is exactly how i feel.

I can’t change who i am, I’m always going to be a kindhearted nice person. It’s just who I was born to be.

But boundaries, they’re something i’d like to learn to use. It have things in place so that I can keep who i am and still be the kindhearted nice person i am. Hopefully i can find myself and stay found.

So yeah, it was a good session. I’ve got my next one in 2 weeks time on the 18th. And I’m looking forward to it.

I’m also enjoying the receding of my anxiety the past 2 days.

I know that’s got a lot to do with the situation with my friend feeling better, but my therapy is helping me come to terms with things and whilst it is hard, extremely so, i can feel that in the long run it will improve.

Finally, i watched a film called ‘Wind River’ yesterday and i wanted to recommend it to anyone who is yet ti see it.

It stars Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen as a hunter and FBI agent (respectively) trying to solve a murder of a young girl.

It’s very hard to watch in parts, and there is a very difficult-to-watch rape/murder scene. But if you can get past that its a very dark, but emotional thriller.

Overall i really enjoyed it and Renner’s character is incredibly emotional and it does end in a slightly uplifting way.

It was a hard to watch very good film. I watched it on netflix.

Waves washing over me, im holding on…

Its funny, I’ve felt ok today.

I haven’t struggled as much as i did yesterday, and yet today I feel the temptation to self-sabotage so much more.

I find myself wanting to speak to my friend, to look at her pictures.

Not for any crude reason, or anything naive as my feelings. I simply miss her in my life. This distance is helping me settle my thoughts and emotions, but its also trying and without her there it is rather lonely.

Now, i know this probably just means its another thing i have to come to terms with. To find peace and satisfaction in my own company but as humans, we all strive for love, acceptance, and connection.

The pattern if this potted flower combined with the droplets of water captured my attention first…

Aside from the obvious romantic love, there is also a love that comes with friendship. There’s also a level of connection that comes from those we care for. None more so than out friends.

And right now all i want is to push past this situation and go back to what we were before it all went off track.

Patience is not my strongest feature, by any stretch of the imagination. Its something that i do struggle with (don’t worry im adding it to my ever increasing lost of flaws).

Basically, i know that in time, we will get some level of friendship back.

What is forcing my mind to dwell/overthink is that i want what we had back. That ‘close’ level of friendship. The thing that scares me is not knowing how long it might take, if it happens at all, to get back there.

This delicate bush was covered in singular drops of water…

Patience. Time. Faith.

These are the things that will fix this issue. No amount of worrying by me.

So why does my mind insist on worrying?

A dozen or so things at once floating around my mind. Mainly ‘what ifs’ and ‘buts’. Yet I know they’re not helpful at all.

I’m trusting myself in that I haven’t tripped or fallen into a low mood yet. And I am trying to keep myself distracted when I begin to overthink. Like now.

Im also trying to keep the positive actions in my mind when i feel the low-mood washing over me. When my anxiety is loud and my heartbeat begins to race, when that tightness across my chest and my arms begin to quiver, i have to try and talk myself into a calmer mood.

So far I’ve been able to do that without the frantic, chaotic mindset taking over. That’s when things get worse. When I send message after message and freak out.

So far, I’ve been doing ok. Even though this is hard and i don’t know what will happen next.

I’ve got enough from my friend in that shes said she does want to still be friends. And as childish as that statement might sound from me, it means i have something to look to and focus on.

I want to still be her friend and once I can control my reactions to these feelings, instead of letting them lead me to low and stressful places, i feel we can start to work on that friendship.

This one didn’t come out right, my camera simply refused to focus on the branches and preferred the leaves…

Knowing our personalities, i have no doubt that there will come a time when we can laugh about all of this.

My only concern is that i hope she is doing ok.

I know i should be just focusing on my own struggle, but i can’t help but hope shes doing ok.

That part of my personality, caring more for other people, is harder to stop than you might think.

Anyway, today’s walk was refreshing and calming.

I was hit by a wave of anxiety and overthinking that threatened to overtake me. But I managed to distract from the thoughts and worries enough until it passed.

The photos i have included in this post (all taken by me) are from that walk and show the beauty still out there, even this time of year…

A small puddle, showing the remains of some late forming fruit…

Quickly, whilst i feel ok…

Ok. So i actually feel ok right now.

I’ve done something for myself.

It’s been 10 days since i last shaved my face. That’s a long time for my facial hair to grow unregulated.

The last time i shaved, was the day before I met with my friend.

I wanted to make an effort and look nice for her. Also, shaving my face bare gave me some confidence.

Anyway since then ive let my mind take over and my shaving regime always goes out of the window when im feeling low.

Anyway. Again. Anyway i finally realised that today, and gave myself the push to shave my face.

That little act of self-care, as crazy as it may seem, has really helped. Even if it only lasts a few moments.

Hence the speed of writing this post.

2 years ago, i never thought if find anyone who liked me. I have an awful record with girls, and white frankly id given up.

Then (E) came along and everything changed. I fell in love. Something i genuinely never thought would ever happen to me.

So that ended poorly. But in that short time i believe she did love me. At least when she said it.

Shit happened.

In that aftermath I could not envision liking anyone else. Not even close to liking someone else. I even ignored when i thought other girls were cute. Because i knew i still loved (E).

And then, just as i get past my feelings for my ex, all of this kicks off with my friend. And i genuinely never thought I could like someone again.

And yet here i am. Suffering because i like someone, who said they liked me back but can’t commit to anything.

It hurts. A lot. Because i really like her. And by that let me be clear: i want to go on a date with her and see where it goes.

I want to get closer to her and spend time with her more than just friends.

That’s maybe too much to ask.

But i told her this.

My conscience should be clear – after all she started flirting with me first, and told me she liked me too.

It’s only natural for me to feel this way because she is an amazing person. And it’s hard not to simply adore her.

Anyway, I cant change how i feel overnight, and unless she suddenly feels differently, nothing is happening soon.

So how do i stem this flow of emotion? How do I get past it and be the friend i want to be?

That’s the piece of the puzzle i don’t know how to solve.

Everytime i see a picture of her my chest feels funny and I can’t help but smile.

When i see her? I cant help but just feel this attraction to her.

I know she’s not the most loving of people, in the way of intimacy. But I don’t care. I just want her to see what i see and feel what i feel. Or at least a version of it.

She means the world to me, even as a friend, so maybe it takes a while for these emotions of mine to calm. Maybe we never get together.

I wish we could. But I guess, as long as she is genuinely happy? Then i can be ok with that.

It won’t stop me wanting her, but hopefully I can work on that.

Whatever happens, as long as she is happy. That’s all that matters.

(There was just a knock at the door and im not lying my heart raced because i thought it was her. That’s how messed up my head is right now).

A smile can mean the world…

A smile can mean the world.
I struggle on a day to day basis to keep myself ‘level’.
Now, i know level means different things to different people. But to me? To me ‘level’ means ‘OK’.
It means that I’m able to walk to the shop, speak to the assistant, leave, and wall home. All without crying.
Distinction: specifically, without crying.
I’ve not managed that at all this week. Not even on my walks. Not from my course last night.
I’ve cried every chance I’ve had this week
But, I’m pretty sure that’s ok. It has to be ok. Because even though I’m not ‘level’ I’m feeling. Right?!
Anyway, last Saturday and again today, i served an attractive lady (by that I mean I’m attracted to her – she’s attractive regardless of my opinion). I’ve served her a couple times before and on Saturday she smiled at me, as in recognition: she remembered me. Not many words were shared but smiles were aplenty. It made my day, to think someone would even smile at me, let alone a gentle, happy smile like that.
It happened again today. Only this time we joked. And she smiled even more.

I’m not silly. I know its just a smile. But as simple as a smile is, hers made me feel shy and happy at the same time. She made me mean the usual ‘have a nice evening’ i say when saying goodbye to customers. She made me want to look out for her next time because she smiles and i feel ok.
Shortly afterwards i feel happy. I felt genuinely blessed.
It’s hard to describe because the feeling gives way quickly enough to my usual train of thoughts and memories.

But, for a moment, she made me feel accepted. And her smile made me feel good.
Next time you go to the shop? Smile at the person serving you. Say thank you. You never know how theat smile will affect someone. It might just make their day. It made mine.


Do you ever look back and regret something? Whether it’s something you did or said?

And when I say regret, I mean sincerely regret it?

I do. Several things in fact. Most live, and stay living, in the past. But one or two, recently have decided to make themselves a nuisance. One, in particular, has been playing on my mind for a couple of weeks now.

During my first couple years at university, I was seeing a girl. She was smart, funny, feisty, and downright cute. She really liked me and I really liked her. But there was a problem: Me.

I liked her but was too afraid of what that meant. I worried about how it would work with me being from another part of the country and just being there during term time. I worried about what her mother would say (both her and her mother worked with me at my then job). I also worried what it would mean if we fell for each other and I finished uni.

That’s a lot for a 21-year-old guy to think about. It’s also mad.Because

Because the truth is I shouldn’t worry about any of that stuff (except the mother – she was a little scary). I should have grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

Instead, I let fear and panic consume me and my thoughts. I let my fears dictate how I acted and, most ashamedly, how I treated her. Now, I never set out to hurt her, nor did I intend to do what I did. But I still did it. And I 100% regret it – to this day I wish I could go back ad change what I did.

But I can’t. Instead, I have to accept that I was responsible for really hurting someone, emotionally.

When we were together, things were amazing, we got on, liked the same things, and it was fun. But I never let myself open up, I never gave myself to her or entertained the idea of it becoming more than just two people hanging out. To compound that, every now and then, I get scared, over think everything (without realising it at the time) and then let the fear guide me into pushing her away.

I did this a lot until it got to a point where we really got close and were in danger of making it a full blown relationship and accepting our feelings. At that point, I freaked out. Majorly. And pushed her so far away it all but ended our friendship. I just couldn’t deal with it. I imagine I would regret it less if I’d explained all that to her at the time, but like I said, I was unaware of what I was doing and was acting out of fear. That’s not an excuse, I’m simply saying how it was. And the truth is that I did not take into consideration how he felt. I simply ran away and hid from the feelings I was starting to have.

I’ve thought alot about that time of my life recently, especially since realising how badly i can over think things. I’ve always regretted my actions and how I treated her, but only recently have I really understood why I did what I did.

When I realised what I’d done and how I’d made her feel, I felt a huge wave of guilt and shame wash over me. To the point where I just had to do something. We do keep in irregular contact still, a few messages a year to see how the other is doing – casual friendship. But I had this serious urge to apologise to her and try to explain.

However, the over thinking is still a problem and I began to worry that bringing it up might actually do more harm than good, in that she may have moved on completely and by bringing it up, I’d actually be causing her more pain.

So I started to doubt whether I should say anything at all. Just as this doubt was about to settle in for the long haul, something very strange happened…

Last Friday morning, whilst at work, I received a text from an unknown number. It simply said “Hey 🙂 x”

To which I responded with a generic request for the person name as the number was not recognised by my phone.

At this point, i became anxious because I was not sure who it was. I was worried that if it was (E) I wouldn’t know how to deal with the situation, but part of me really wondered if it was my old friend. But it was too much of a coincidence, surely?!

I got a reply that confirmed my gut feeling, a message that simply used the term ‘Dan Dan’. It sounds silly, but this name has always been used by her when talking to me. No one else in my entire life has used it. So the minute I read that I knew it was her. The coincidence of this was not lost on me. 

So, we text most of the day, just catching up. Which was a nice change of pace – it’s not every day you get to reconnect with an old friend!

Here’s the strange thing: When I asked her why she messaged me, that day of all days, she told me that she’d dreamt of me. That when she woke up Friday morning, she felt a strong urge to see how I was doing in case I needed help. I know, weird right?!

The thing is, it was a dream that gave me the urge to message her and apologise. But just when I was faltering and beginning to doubt that urge, she messages me completely out of the blue. It’s hard not to see the role of pre-determination there. It’s simply too much of a coincidence.

So, I plucked up the courage to offer an apology. I went through it all. And just told her I was sorry. Sorry for what I did and how I treated her. That I was not looking for anything, I simply wanted to apologise and let her know I was sorry.

I half expected her to shout at me. To be angry. But she just chuckled. And then explained that she forgave me years ago. Because she went through something similar after me, and that person also told her the same thing. When they told her that, she realised it was what I did and whilst she was still hurt she understood. And it made it easier knowing I’d genuinely not set out to hurt her.

It made a potentially difficult situation a very easy one to deal with.

So we laughed about it, I apologised some more, and then simply got on with our catch up. She offered me some advice about my situation and how it wasn’t hopeless, that if I was able to be positive about it, I could get past it! Funny thing is, it took her telling me that for me to realise it. 

It’s a funny thing, but I was just in the right place to hear those words from someone when she told me that. I think it also hit home more knowing that this was a girl I’d wronged, someone I’d really hurt once upon a time, and yet she still supported me and wanted to see me get through this.

It was nice having a conversation with someone where there was no pressure. I felt no worries about what I was saying or how she would take it. She’s moved on and is seeing someone else, and I’ve obviously moved on too which was refreshing. We can just enjoy the friendship and, from my point of view, it’s nice to have that closure too!

Since then, we’ve spoken a little, and there was one thing she said that really hit me: “you’re just as kind as I remember”…

It’s such a small compliment. But, as a person who prides himself on being kind and respectful, to hear someone, who has every reason not to think that about me, say those words to me – well, let me tell you that it was just about one of the nicest things I’ve ever had said to me. It also confirmed to me that I am actually a nice person. That all this self-doubt (particularly the past few months) has all been for nought. Because I am a nice person. And my sense of pride is not as misplaced as I thought.

This whole weekend has really helped prop me up a little, I’ve regained some of my happiness, some hope that actually I might just make it through this.

My point, albeit a very long winded one, is simple: Never underestimate the worth of a friend – no matter who that friend is. Our conscience is a powerful thing – but giving it closure is a wonderful medicine. I can focus a little better – even if it’s only for the time being!

Keeping track, part 1…

Ok. I know i said i wouldnt post anymore. But the truth is i have no progress tracker.

I have spent the entire time since the break up missing  (E). As my posts may have teased. Ok fine it was more than painfully obvious.

I’ve had some good days, and some terribly low days.

Today is a good day. 

On a good day i can focus more on positives. The positives are that (E) loved me for who i am. I was open. I was honest. And i got to experience a love plucked straight from the storybooks. The truest kind. 

I also now understand that the things causing me the most pain are not so much to do with this break up as they are to do with my own mind.

I’ve kept in contact with two of my long time friends this week (2 close friends i met when i was at college).

They’ve both been through (past or present) the same issues with anxiety and insecurity as i suffer from.

So they’re really helpful as advice givers.

They’re also both lovely people and really good friends – they’ve been here for me all week. One called me on her lunchbreak earlier – to check in with me. 

It makes me feel more at ease knowing other people genuinely have the same issues as me. But more than that, 2 people who I’ve always thought of as having everything so together.

It’s a brilliant way to ground my fears of being so passed help.

So, the past week… It’s been really hard. I spend most mornings wrapped up in my own thoughts. Everyone at home is ill at the moment – which means less space for me – and on top of that my sister is currently in hospital having been diagnosed with a life-long issue. Nothing life-threatening but its still a big deal for her (she’s only 25).

On top of all that im still trying to get my head straight, after my heart break and with all this going on my brain still feels chewed up.

It’s hard. It’s really hard. But I’ll be honest: today im coping well.

The only thing i still struggle with is the urge to message (E).

I still struggle, especially these past few days, with worrying about how she feels. How’s she dealing with it all.

I also feel bad in that my negativity from previous posts has upset her and pushed her away from me.

I know I’m a nice person, and i know she knows that. I hope she can see past the negativity and see back to the real me.
I know im too hard on myself and i need to try a stop that. I need to be more positive. 

The issue im having is that i expect too much of myself. Im hoping i can try and combat that in the time between now and going to see someone.

I want to get better. Not just for (E), but for me. For my own peace of mind…

Retail Therapy

I went shopping today. Nothing much, just out with my sister and brother. My Brother’s birthday is tomorrow, and my sister wanted to go out and get him something nice.

So, off we went, shopping.

It was a nice day. I was dreading the mood of my niece, a good mood and she’d be lovely and funny – her usual self. But over-tired? She’d be a nightmare. I, unfortunately, had to deal with both moods – as well as being the ‘favourite’ uncle. Stressful.

Still, it was a lovely day, a nice change of pace, and it was nice to spend some time with my sister and brother together. Plus I bought some trainers and a couple of t-shirts too so, you know pretty nice day  🙂

I also got some chocolate (see the picture and try not to be too jealous)… And some cookies. They’ll see me through the rest of my holiday whilst I spend my time drafting up my short story…

As for everything else? I feel pretty ok. (E) needs her space, I can happily give her that and, when she’s ready I’m still going to be here all heart-eyed for her just as before 🙂

I still have her Christmas present here too. We’ve not got around to exchanging yet – I’m still excited for her to finally have it!

I’m still a little annoyed about the glaring mistakes on my surprise for her, but I’m sure it’ll be ok. Like I said earlier, it’s me all over – I just have to learn to live with the fact that not all things in this world can be perfect! Something I’m trying to come to terms with quickly!

I have to admit, though, the more time me and (E) spend apart, (both messages and dates) just makes me want to see/message her more. I like that it works like this and that the feelings are not just fading. It proves to me they’re real, and whether I knew that already or not – it’s always nice to realise it all over again, hehe 🙂

This will be my last post tonight, I’m in a good place today, so I’m going to enjoy my new trainers and just chill reading my Writers’ Forum magazine 🙂

It’s been a good day…

But I can’t help but feel useless…

I’ve totally chilled on my first of 10 days off. I plan on going to Waterstones tomorrow and have a good look at their stock. I love to go book shopping and considering I have a £10 voucher to spend there, I’ll definitely enjoy my time there!

I usually read science fiction but I also love a good cocktail book or science-related piece of non-fiction.

It’ll help me get out of the house and get some, relatively, fresh air! I also plan on doing some boring duvet/pillow shopping to go with my new bed.

So, whilst I’ve had an enjoyable, chilled day; (E) has not. She’s ill. There’s always a sickness bug doing the rounds and, unfortunately for her, she’s come down with it 😦

We’ve not messaged much today due to her not feeling well, and I didn’t want to pester her – she’s ill, she doesn’t need me messaging her all day too.

So, she’s not well. And I wish I could make her feel better. I hate to think of her not feeling well and me not being there to hug her better. It’s probably for the best that I can’t do that, it would do neither of us any good if I got it too!

Anyway, I sit here feeling pretty useless because words won’t stop her feeling ill. There’s not really anything I can do and it sucks.

To make it worse, I (selfishly) miss her more because we can’t talk. I don’t want to bug her by messaging her when she’s trying to rest it off, but I also want to talk to her. It’s a shame but alas illness cannot be predicted! I just have to keep wishing for her speedy recovery! For both selfless and selfish reasons!

I’ve got about 30% of her surprise done too. So that’s coming along nicely. I’ve also made a tidy sum off eBay today – which will go towards my trip to London in March! I’m so excited for that it’s unreal!